Tomato MD

by American Phytopathological Society

Books & Reference

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Plant Health reference tool for plant diseases found on Tomatoes.

Need help with growing healthy tomato plants? Tomato MD is a tool that helps backyard and master gardeners, professional growers, and consultants identify and manage nearly 30 key diseases and insects. Tap the part of the plant you have an issue with, browse the gallery of images to find a match to your plant’s symptoms and then learn more about the symptoms, causes and treatments. Search features help you find additional information. Bookmark a specific disease to return to it easily at a later time.The American Phytopathological Society (APS) is a professional organization of Plant Pathologists (Plant Doctors) who have been leading the way in plant disease research for more than 100 years. APS publishes a wide array of plant and agricultural reference material. Tomato MD is based on two APS PRESS Books: Tomato Health Management and Compendium of Tomato Diseases and Pests. It was authored and peer-reviewed by APS members Margaret McGrath, Gail Ruhl, Michelle Grabowski, Daniel Gilrein, Robert Wick, and Margery Daughtrey. Many others contributed images.Add first use pop-upsUser experience improvements

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Great resource for the avid tomato grower.

Anna Symington

It's a nice application

Reinfrid Maganga

Detailed pictures and loads of info. Easy navigation. Unlike other plant info apps I've tried this is the only one that looks like it was produced by professionals and not by first time app producers

Joe McMahon

I grow greenhouse tomatoes in Dallas and I love this resource. One suggestion- I would like to see more added to the insect/mites and also nutritional deficiencies.

Mariah Romano